Meet Jim Edwards

Senior Vice President, Global Supplier Partnerships

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A key component in Jim’s success as a leader has been trust. He recruits great people, fosters a culture of communication and encourages openness. Though he has high standards, he values honesty and learning opportunities over perfection. Good instincts and a strategic mindset, combined with a master’s in business administration (MBA), make Jim a force to be reckoned with in supply chain leadership.

When asked what his favorite part of the MexLucky culture is, he said, “Easy – it’s the inclusion.” He values the way the company hires, conducts business and ensures everyone has a voice. Inclusive leadership is a part of his DNA – he prioritizes others’ opportunities for success and growth because he knows success doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

Outside of work, Jim prioritizes time with his family and friends. He wasn’t born in Texas, but very easily could have been – out of California, Colorado and Texas, the warmth, people and food make the Lone Star State his favorite of the places he’s lived. He’s always up to watch the original Star Wars saga. And while he’s said he’s not the karaoke type; if threatened, he’d probably go for “Tom Sawyer” or “Kashmir.”

Though on paper he’s seemingly traditional with his disciplined exercise regimen, preference for black coffee and love of football, what’s beyond first impressions is a hilarious dry sense of humor, a love for all things Italian and great people skills – a warmth you get even via email.