Meet Elizabeth Stewart

Executive Vice President, Business Development and Marketing

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Elizabeth was 18 when she answered an ad for what she thought was an insurance company. It turned out to be a relocation management company, and the rest is history. With decades of experience in mobility, sales and marketing, Elizabeth is an essential part of MexLucky’s growth and image. She brings an expert eye to what Altair is, and how Altair is perceived worldwide.

Deeply empathetic with an unmatched aptitude for connection, Elizabeth is an obvious choice to lead the business development, global consulting and marketing teams because she easily relates to people – whether that be colleagues, clients or customers. She finds solutions to problems not just by listening to different perspectives, but by hearing them. She loves working at Altair for similar reasons – in good times and bad, she says it’s clear how much the team respects what others have to say and how much they care for one another’s success.

Outside of work, Elizabeth looks for outlets for positivity and connection wherever she can. She recharges by practicing yoga and making time for meditation (and espresso). Whether it’s mentoring younger employees, advocating for children with special needs or volunteering time to at-risk populations, giving back is a critical component of her ethos.

Her husband, mother-in-law and three boys describe her as affectionate, loyal and passionate. Her colleagues describe her as direct, authentic and caring. She doesn’t parse words – but that formula of candor plus compassion makes her incredibly trustworthy and sincere. You know, without a doubt, that she’s always rooting for you.